Welcome to Plangym

Plangym is an open source Python library for developing and comparing planning algorithms by providing a standard API to communicate between algorithms and environments, as well as a standard set of environments compliant with that API.

Furthermore, it provides additional functionality for stepping the environments in parallel, delayed environment initialization for dealing with environments that are difficult to serialize, compatibility with gym.Wrappers, and more.

API for reinforcement learning

OpenAI’s gym has become the de-facto standard in the research community, plangym’s API is designed to be as similar as possible to gym’s API while allowing to modify the environment state. plangym offers a standard API for reinforcement learning problems with a simple, intuitive interface.
Users with general knowledge of gym syntax will feel comfortable using plangym; it uses the same schema and philosophy of the former, yet plangym provides new advanced functionalities beyond gym capabilities.

Plangym states

The principal attribute that characterizes plangym and distinguishes it from other libraries is the capacity to save the current state of the environment. By simply calling get_state(), the user is able to store the positions, attributes, actions, and all necessary information that has led the agent and the environment to their actual state. In this way, the user can load a specific configuration of the simulation and continue the process in that precise state.

Getting started

Stepping an environment

We initialize the environment using the command plangym.make, similarly to gym syntax. By resetting the environment, we get our initial state and observation. As mentioned, the fact that the environment is returning its current state is one of the main plangym features; we are able to get and set the precise configuration of the environment in each step as if we were loading and saving the data of a game. This option allows the user to apply a specific action to an explicit state:

import plangym
env = plangym.make(name="CartPole-v0")
state, obs = env.reset()

state = state.copy()
action = env.action_space.sample()

data = env.step(state=state, action=action)
new_state, observ, reward, end, info = data

We interact with the environment by applying an action to a specific environment state via plangym.PlanEnv.step. We can define the exact environment state over which we apply our action.

As expected, this function returns the evolution of the environment, the observed results, the reward of the performed action, if the agent enters a terminal state, and additional information about the process.

If we are not interested in getting the current state of the environment, we simply define the argument return_state = False inside the methods plangym.PlanEnv.reset and plangym.PlanEnv.step:

import plangym
env = plangym.make(name="CartPole-v0")  
obs = env.reset(return_state=False)  

action = env.action_space.sample()

data = env.step(action=action, return_state=False)
observ, reward, end, info = data

By setting return_state=False, neither reset() nor step() will return the state of the simulation. In this way, we are obtaining the exact same answers as if we were working in a plain gym interface. Thus, plangym provides a complete tool for developing planning projects as well as a general, standard API for reinforcement learning problems.

Stepping a batch of states and actions

import plangym
env = plangym.make(name="CartPole-v0")
state, obs = env.reset()

states = [state.copy() for _ in range(10)]
actions = [env.action_space.sample() for _ in range(10)]

data = env.step_batch(states=states, actions=actions)
new_states, observs, rewards, ends, infos = data

plangym allows applying multiple actions in a single call via the command plangym.PlanEnv.step_batch. The syntax used for this case is reminiscent to that employed when calling a step function; we should define a list of states and actions and use them as arguments of the function step_batch(). plangym will take care of distributing the states and actions correspondingly, returning a tuple with the results of such actions.

Making environments

To initialize an environment, plangym uses the same syntax as gym via the plangym.make command. However, this command offers more advanced options than the gym standard; it controls the general behavior of the API and its different environments, and it serves as a command center between the user and the library.

Instead of using a specific syntax for each environment (with distinct arguments and parameters), plangym unifies all options within a single, common framework under the control of make() command.

All instance attributes are defined through the make() command, which classifies and distributes them accordingly whether they belong to plangym or standard parameters. In addition, make() also allows the user to configure the parameters needed for stepping the environment in parallel. One only should select the desired mode, and plangym will do the rest.

import plangym
env = plangym.make(
    name="PlanMontezuma-v0",   # name of the environment
    n_workers=4,  # Number of parallel processes
    state='',  # Define a specific state for the environment

Once the parameters have been introduced, the command instantiates the appropriate environment class with the given attributes.

Make arguments

make() accepts multiple arguments when creating an environment. We should distinguish between the arguments passed to configurate the environment making process and those used to instantiate the environment itself.

  • Make signature:
    Attributes used to configure the process that creates the environment.

    • name: Name of the environment.

    • n_workers: Number of workers that will be used to step the environment.

    • ray: Use ray for taking steps in parallel when calling step_batch().

    • domain_name: Return the name of the agent in the current simulation. It is a keyword argument that is only valid for dm_control environments.

    • state: Define a specific state for the environment. The state parameter only works for RetroEnv, and it is used to select the starting level of the selected game. All the other environments do no accept state as a keyword argument, and specific states can be set using get_state() and set_state().

  • Environment instance attributes: Parameters passed when the class is created. They define and configure the attributes of the class. make() accepts these arguments as kwargs.

All keyword arguments that do not belong to the Make arguments list are passed as kwargs inside make() to instantiate the corresponding environment class (we must emphasize that plangym will also use some attributes included inside the Make arguments classification as instance attributes of the class, such as state or domain_name).

Instance attributes

As mentioned, users dispose of several parameters to configure the environment creation process and the attributes of the class itself. Instance parameters are passed as kwargs to the environment class.

Inside these instance attributes, we should differentiate between the attributes managed by plangym, and those that are specific to the gym library. plangym attributes characterize the envelope that wraps the original gym environment, offering a standard interface among all the processes. gym attributes are those not managed by plangym and are passed directly to the gym.make method.

The instance attributes (managed by plangym) common to all environment classes are:

  • name: Name of the environment. Follows standard gym syntax conventions.

  • frameskip: Number of times an action will be applied for each dt. When we step the environment, we take dt simulation steps, i.e., we evolve dt-times the environment (by applying an action) in each step. Within each simulation step dt, we apply the same action frameskip times. At the end of the day, the environment will have evolved dt * frameskip times.

  • autoreset: Automatically reset the plangym.environment when the OpenAI environment returns end = True.

  • wrappers: Wrappers that will be applied to the underlying OpenAI environment. Every element of the iterable can be either a class gym.Wrapper or a tuple containing (gym.Wrapper, kwargs).

  • delay_setup: If True, plangym does not initialize the class gym.environmentand waits for setup to be called later. Deferring the environment instantiation gives the users the option to create it in external processes or when demanded. This fact allows sending plangym.environment as serializable objects, leaving all the settings already defined and prepared for the user to instantiate the environment when needed.

  • remove_time_limit: If True, remove the time limit from the environment.

  • render_mode: Select how the environment and the observations are represented. Options to be selected are [None, "human", "rgb_aray"].

  • episodic_life: If True, plangym sends a terminal signal after loosing a life.

  • obs_type: Define how plangym calculates the observations. Options to be selected are ["coords", "rgb", "grayscale", None].

  • return_image: If True, ‘plangym’ adds an “rgb” key in the info dictionary returned by plangym.env.step method. This key contains an RGB representation of the environment state.